Project details
Planned land is located at the intersection of Haydar Aliyev and Z.Mammadov avenues and was previously an industrial area. The land area is 16.6 ha. The projected area is divided into two functional areas. In the area adjacent to the avenue and parallel to the territory, there is a shopping and entertainment complex, and residential complex on the back. Shopping and entertainment complex consists of two separate and symmetrical buildings. Building size is 120x120x18 m. Trade and entertainment center provides a one-storeyed car park for 1200 cars spaces. And outdoor parking for 350 cars is planned. Residential complex is 18-storeyed and consists of 6 blocks located in the southern part of the plot. The first floor is designed for non-residential premises. The underground parts of buildings and a courtyard area of 900 car spaces are provided for tenants. The area of recreation provides a wide park, outdoor sport ground, playground and car park.